Sunday, June 16, 2013

Las Aradas - Week 2

Dear Fam, to answer some of your questions...
Companion    I have a latino companion, Elder Salas, as you guys know.  Hes collecting all the quarters, so do we have any of those quarter collection books lieing around.   It would be cool to give to him.  House is still pretty quiet since he doesnt speak any english.  I think thats one of the toughest things, just living in silence most of the time haha.
Shoes...  Those eccos we got... hurt.  My feet are all cut up from them, so today im just wearing them really loose.  Cant do anything about that though haha. 
We have a baptism date for the 29th of June.  Weve just given a guy two lessons, but he was definitely prepared, and attended church on Sunday and loved it! Here for baptism people have to go to church three times, and then they can be baptized. Elder Salas will baptize him, but it will be a great experience to be able to attend that.
Package... I havent gotten your guys package yet, but it will probably come soon!
Area... Yep I think thats right. Theres not that much in aradas other then dirt floor houses!  Theres a small neighborhood where the hermanas in my district proselyte.  Its a lot richer then where I am.   Its fun having a hermana from my district in the CCM in my district here. 
Temple...  We got to go to the San Salvador temple last saturday.  I should have taken pictures, but i forgot my camera!  I really dont have too many pictures right now of the mish.  Its a nice small temple though.  We took investigators up there, and just taught them about the temple.  All of the investigators we talked to about the temple loved being able to go up there and see it.  It was a great experience.
Food... Im not a big fan of the food here haha.  Papusas here are better then the ones we had, but i like them more with ketchup then the salsa.  Im just not a big fan of tortillas, and they eat tortillas here... for every meal.  They do have real milk here though, so i get to have cereal in the morning!  It makes me feel like im back at home.  Ive been sick for the last week though with big d. 
Serving here is really just two years of camping!  Were in the forest all day every day, so it really does feel like were just camping for two years.  Also, i guess its not really all that dangerous here.  Ive been talking with the elders who are about to go home, and none of them have ever seen anybody get shot.  I have faith that as long as I do what Im supposed to, I wont see anything like that either.

Ive just been praying every day for charity.  Im having a tough time caring a lot about the people here, but need to change my focus.  I guess Im kinda having a withdrawal from the Reds.  Who knew baseball could be an addiction! haha  Well fam one more week down, \but I guess im just not used to having to do hard stuff.  One thing an older elder here talked about was no regrets.  He just wakes up every day trying to make sure he doenst have any regrets at the end of his mission.  Im gonna try to take that motto too!  Well love you fam thanks for the support. Oh and... reds update??? haha

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