Sunday, April 28, 2013

Guatemala MTC - Week 1

Hola mi familia,

The MTC is going great. Spanish is coming a lot faster then it ever came in school, probably because all we do here from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm is sit in class and estudio espanól. I actually have 5 roommates. My companions name is Elder Dickerman and then we have four latinos in our room. Its fun having four latinos in our room because they teach us more in an hour of talking to them then we learn in class. We teach them english, but they all know a lot since I guess they all listen to American music. It's actually kinda funny they're like two months behind on American music here then we are in America.

The food here continues to be muy excelente. Its like half american food and half native food, but some of the native food is actually really good. I'm definitely eating more fruit then I've ever eaten in my life haha. They have this fruit juice thats just in bottles but its seriously amazing. Sunday actually went fairly fast I was just happy to not have to speak. Sadly, I still cant roll my R´s but my patriarichal blessing says ill be able to so i have faith. I'm just worried that if I dont learn to roll my R's I wont be a very effective missionary. Thats cool to hear about Mark and Ryan's farewell. I wonder how Ryan is liking the Provo MTC so far? When does Mark enter the mtc again? I guess he has probably only been there a couple hours.

So my watch broke like the day after I got here to the CCM. Its been difficult not knowing the time but I'm getting pretty good at asking people que hora es haha. The other really tough thing about being here at the ccm is just having to sit in a chair all day. We really never leave the CCM. In some ways I wish I could just go in the field and learn spanish while I'm out there.
Jason is 7th from left on Second Row
Yesterday we had a member from the quorom of the seventy come and speak to the whole ccm. He focused on the story of Alma and Amuleck in Alma chapters eight through ten. It was a really good talk, and the spirit was really strong during it. Really, the spirit is really strong in the entire ccm. Yesterday my district went to the temple but unfortunately I had been up the night before with a case of the big d. I didnt want it to hit during a session, so I didnt go. I am excited to be able to go to the temple next tuesday though. P-days here are usually on tuesdays I think, but I guess we dont always write on p days. Tell Kyle the volleyball is still going strong, ha, I have a group here that I play volleyball every day with. They just have like a big concrete area with a volleyball net and a basketball hoop. I also tried playing soccer with some of the latinos, and lets just say their just a little bit better haha.

I never realized how tough it is to share the gospel. Currently, me and my companion are teaching an investigator, I'm not sure if it's for real or just role play, but its just difficult only teaching the basics. He wants his family to be happy, so we try to explain how the Gospel makes families happy. Were supposed to focus a lesson today on the law of chastity so it may be kinda awkward, but hopefully the Spirit will be there. My testimonies grown a lot in just one week here.

So yeah the toughest things about the CCM so far has been not being able to roll my R's ,everyone else in my district can, having to sit in a chair all day and waking up at 6:30. Thanks for the earplugs though theres a latino in my room and his snoring is seriously the loudest I've ever heard in my life haha. It's tough going to bed at 1030!

Well have a fun time in Phoenix parents and enjoy the sunshine! Who is Kyle staying with while you guys are gone?

Con amor,


Oh and... the bread at this place is amazing haha

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